Friday, December 13
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  Setting Up Your Home/Start Page
Set Homepage
If you have Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher click the link in the box below.  This script will only work for the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and higher. If the text "Click here to make 99main your default homepage!" does not show in the box below then your browser does not support changing homepage by clicking a webpage link.

Alternatively you can set the homepage to whatever you like by modifying the link manually. Please follow the steps for your browser:

Internet Explorer 4.0
  1. With your web browser open click the View menu then select Options... or Internet Options...
  2. On the first screen that you see you will see an Address highlighted and selected already.  Hit the Delete (Del) key on your keyboard to clear this box out.
  3. Type in the Internet Address you would like to open each time you start your browser (ex. )
  4. Click OK button on the bottom of the window, then click the Home button to test your settings.

Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0+
  1. With your web browser open click the Tools menu, then select Internet Options...
  2. On the first screen that you see you will see an Address highlighted and selected already.  Hit the Delete (Del) key on your keyboard to clear this box out.
  3. Type in the Internet Address you would like to open each time you start your browser (ex. )
  4. Click OK button on the bottom of the window, then click the Home button to test your settings.

    ***Note: If your Address box is grayed out, click here to unlock the box. It will ask you if you are sure you want to add the information to your registry, click Yes to install the fix.

Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.0
  1. With your browser window open click the Edit menu and then select Preferences...
  2. On the left hand menu it should be selected on Navigator, on the right side of this window your current homepage will be in the middle.
  3. Next to Location will be the current address.  Place your mouse cursor over this are until it turns into an "i" beam symbol, then double click to select the whole thing.
  4. Press the Delete (Del) key on the keyboard to clear the area.
  5. Type in the Internet Address you would like to open each time you start your browser (Ex. )
  6. Click OK button on the bottom of the window, then click the Home button to test your settings.

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